Wednesday 11 March 2015

Narrative - 1b

5 Screenshots


The enigma code: The questions that would be asked would be who is the guitarist? Is this the lead? What does he look like?

The action code and what we expect to happen next is him to play the guitar. In this shot we can see feet at the right of the shot, we could expect to see who that is next. We could also asked what this artist looks like as we can only see his guitar as that is the focal point. 

The cultural code is that the target audience of young adults (16-21) will understand and recognise that it is an indie video because of the theme of the video and the editing (black and white) it is similar to videos of the same genre. The costumes are plain and stylish like that of the typical indie artist.

The semantic code: literal meaning that the guitarist will play the guitar and will be typically be 'indie' 

3 shots including chorus


Enigma code: Who is she? What is her connection to the band? Why is she dancing the way that she is?
Action - expect there to be a relation between her and the band. Expect to see shots of the band again.

Enigma - Will we see the band again? 
Action - See the band performing


Enigma - how old are these? Where are they from? Are they releasing new music after this one?
Action - The band releases more music 

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